Guest Post: Pieces of You, Pieces of Me (or, Anyone Can Write A Thinkpiece)
In the six years I've been writing for this site, I have
never featured a guest author, let alone offered a 'guest post' spot to anybody1.
I suppose it speaks volumes of my friendship with my co-worker Wesley that I
believed in what he wrote2, seemingly on a whim, and sent to me, in
response to an off-handed comment I made one day at work: that anybody could
write a thinkpiece.
As with all great think pieces, so I am told, there must be
a topic on which the author has some sort of personal feelings. However, I
can't say for certain if that's going to be the case here— I'm really just
writing this because a guy at work says ‘anyone can write a think piece.’
So with all that in mind, let's rock.
It all started when Kevin (the aforementioned guy at work)
came into the kitchen, hands in the air singing along to "Pieces of
Me" by Ashlee Simpson, claiming that this song was an unrivaled
Now, I'll give credit where credit is due, and say that the song is, indeed, good. However, me being who I am, was so bold as to rival the statement. And typically, this is just to get Kevin riled up because, well, it's just kind of amusing to me.
I'm kind of a dick like that.
It's all part of the charm.
Kevin went on to tell me that this song was big in his life
during the summer of 2004, and that he was ‘going through some stuff’ at that
time. This lead me down an internal journey through my own experience with
music: how it has both shaped my life, and has been a steadfast companion
throughout all of my emotional ups and downs.
Music has a power of all of us, in one way or another. We
all have those songs that just the first few notes can give you chills or
instantly transport you to a time when that song first came into your life. Any
time anyone ever asks me what my favorite song is, I freeze.
I mean, how ya gonna come at me with that Anderson Cooper
shit? Some questions are just too hard to answer and that is truly the most
difficult question of them all.
Yes, I have the songs that really move me and speak to
me—and yes, they are on my list of favorites for sure; but I don't have a
favorite song. There is no one song that can earn that title because it all
depends on what is going on in my life. I may be in a bad mood and need
something to lift my spirits. I may be feeling a little sassy and there's a
whole new playlist.
It. Is. A. Hard. Question.
A lot of times, I play music for the people around me. It's
actually pretty awesome to have someone point out a song that is playing, and
share a story about their own past experiences, be it having a teenage crush on
an artist, or the time on a road trip this song came on at the perfect moment
watching as the sun dips below the horizon.
These are memories that just stick with us, and being the
one to bring out these thoughts in people, through music, is really an amazing
A while back I was invited to do a podcast (the host is the
aforementioned guy, again, from work, Kevin) about songs that were important to
me or stood out in some way.
I came up with a list pretty quickly, although looking back,
I wish I had taken a little more time preparing. Granted, I have no regrets
about the songs I chose, but I feel that I could have done more. In all
honesty, I could probably have gone on for hours if I hadn't been given a
limit. I really appreciated the opportunity to talk about my songs because, if
you hadn't noticed, I have some pretty strong feelings about the whole thing.
Depression. Anxiety. Paranoia; these are things that many of
us deal with in silence.
This next part is going to seem a little off topic but it's
relevant, I promise.
I was diagnosed with major depression in my mid-teens, but
chose to do virtually nothing about it at the time. I was fine for years, I
kept myself pretty well distracted. I'd have good days and bad days, as many of
us do.
I was good up until about two years ago, when my grandfather
passed away—I went to the doctor, got happy pills, and figured all would be
Boy oh boy, was I wrong.
This proved to be the beginning of a struggle no one could
ever prepare themselves for. I descended into a veritable madness which lead to
several trips to the emergency room dealing with some severe suicidal ideation.
The last trip I took landed me in a psych ward for a few days.
One out of five stars; would not recommend.
While I was in this state, I was involved with a woman who
would keep bringing me songs about people who are fucked up in the head, and
she’d say things like, “OMG, that’s so you!,” and "When you hear songs like,
this doesn’t it just make you feel like you really are crazy?"
Yes. It does. Especially when I am indeed crazy.
Aside from the fact that most of my issues stemmed from this
tumultuous relationship, music still played into all of it. In my state of weak
mindedness, I was actually being pushed further into the dark because of her
choice of songs.
There’s this episode of “The Walking Dead” where they are
trying to use music as a form of torture. It was an upbeat song, very catchy.
But the character was locked in a dark cell with little interaction besides
this song being blasted at him over and over and over. I suppose it would be
tantamount to literally anyone but a child being forced to listen to that “Baby
Shark” song.
Just thinking about it sends shivers down my spine.
After my bout with insanity, I started going through Google
Play Music, or what Kevin and I have taken to calling “the ol' Google doodab,” checking
out the stations I had created when times were good—mostly 90's/00's
alternative rock. I hadn't really listened to a lot of that for a while, and II
don't really know why, since it had pretty much been all I liked. So I started
going through and came across "Desperately Wanting" by Better Than
Suddenly, I was sitting in the stands at the Greene County Fair in Springfield, Missouri. I had gone there to see the band Eve 6—who, unfortunately, sucked live I am sad to confess. The last band to take the stage that night was Better Than Ezra; I had heard a few of their songs before, but didn’t really know who they were, or what they were all about. Honestly, it was one of the best shows I've ever seen, considering the circumstances (being that it was at a county fair, and all.) I hadn't thought about that concert in a long time, and now it's one of my favorite things to bring up when people start talking about shows they've been to.

You could say it’s fitting.
Not to say that this is my favorite song—but it’s definitely
on the list.
I've always liked music. It's always been a big part of my
life. That day, after so much darkness, I realized what music can really do,
not just be listened to and enjoyed but how it can truly move you.
So to anyone who might read this, and actually hangs around
when I'm playing music, know that it's not just about bangers, bops, and
slayers. It's a reminder of who you were when that song came into your life,
how it came along with you all this way, and how it still makes you feel after
all this time. We've all had times in our lives that we can tie to something as
simple as a song that just 'got us' in that time.
It’s funny to think that in a time of feeling that you are
trying desperately to keep it together, to hold on to pieces of yourself that
my friend Kevin would hold on to such an aptly titled song.
1- Just a small aside: within the first year of this
site, I asked to be a ‘guest author’ for my friend Colin’s blog, which was
about books. I wrote something lengthy about The Perks of Being A Wallflower, and revisiting the book as an
adult—realizing how poorly it has aged, and how it’s not the kind of thing you
can really ever take with you through time—just the idea of it, or what it
meant to you when you first read it. Colin never wrote another post for his own
blog, and I have spent the last years feeling like I, more or less, killed his
2- I mentioned Wesley at length in the recent essay I wrote about Taylor Swift and “Cruel Summer.” Within the footnotes, I also
mention his thinkpiece.
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