Album Review: Mineral Kult - Her & Suzy

Owing as much to the dance floors of the 1990s, packed with sweaty rave kids, all slithering around to the electronic music being produced at the time—as well as the breakbeats and turntablism of roughly the same era, pioneered by DJ Shadow, among others, along with the worldly influence of being created in an Egyptian city rippling with the current of an underground music scene, Her & Suzy is a jubilant, rollicking, and kaleidoscopic listen from beginning to end.
The EP, a spry five songs that arrive at 20 minutes, is the
work of Ragy Ahmed, the head of the ‘lose collective’ of underground musicians based out of Cairo, SLOVVDK—pronounced ‘slow decay.’ Released under the moniker
Mineral Kult, Her & Suzy, is,
more or less, a short DJ set, created by Ahmed last year to play as what he
calls a ‘supporting act’ in various gigs.
He calls it ‘quirky, cartoon-ish house music inspired by
disco, techno, funk, hip-hop, and dub,’ and he’s not off base. Proudly wearing
its influences and inspirations on its sleeves, Her & Suzy is a lively collection of tracks that is, not
surprisingly, boiling over with infectious grooves.
Intended for consumption in one sitting, simply due to its
nature and its structure, it is, surprisingly, not laid out seamlessly—some
tracks end by colliding head first into the beginning of the next one, while
others have a more clearly defined conclusion. All of the tracks, though, find
Ahmed working within the same general groove, crafting a very cohesive
environment for Her & Suzy.
Her & Suzy
opens with what is perhaps the EP’s jauntiest, or at least, most freewheeling
track—“Eye Remember Her.” Built around a strong, swaying groove that is
unrelenting in its nature, it also features its share of manipulated vocal
samples—a technique that Ahmed works into nearly ever track included. The songs
are never totally reliant on these disembodied, distorted voices—rather, they
are additional layers applied and woven into the tight, pulsating fabric of the
If “Eye Remember Her” is the jauntiest, and has a feeling
that could only be described as ‘fun,’ then the EP’s second track, “Shy,” is
anything but what the title implies—it’s probably Her & Suzy’s funkiest track, owing a lot to some of the less
bombastic moments of Dig Your Own Hole
by The Chemical Brothers and features a strong disco vibe—albeit chopped up and
jittery disco—which serves as a segue into the third track, “Catch-Up.”
Following a slowly simmering intro that builds up over a
reserved drumbeat, Ahmed creates visceral tension as “Catch-Up” approaches the
one minute mark, by very quickly adding in a number of new layers—including a
vocal sample, a pointed synthesizer pattern, and a low, warbled bed of ambiance
underneath it all.
The EP’s second half opens with the very Four Tet and Gold Panda
inspired “Popped,” a track that is true to its name with its bubbling,
skittering, layered, dizzying percussive elements. As “Popped” comes to a
close, it runs almost seamlessly into the Her
& Suzy’s final piece, the sprawling “Dub-Plates”—a track that finds
Ahmed pushing his sonic direction further than he had on the four preceding
songs by piling on multiple percussive tracks, synthesizer sequences, and vocal
samples that have been chopped to bits and reassembled, and through some
changes in speed and tempo, brings the EP to a somewhat abrupt conclusion.
Her & Suzy is
not the first effort Ahmed has issued under his Mineral Kult moniker through
the growing, diverse discography of SLOVVDK—the first, a two track single, was
issued in February of this year, and this EP shows exponential growth and focus
in direction for the project, as well as confidence coming from Ahmed as a
Both short enough to never overstay its welcome, but also
bordering on being entirely too short because you feel like it just began, Her & Suzy is a fun listening
experience, which is something I’m not used to, really, give my penchant for
moody ambient droning and what I commonly refer to as ‘sad white people music.’
But for all of 20 minutes, the day’s anxieties may seem not as urgent, as you
find yourself nodding your head along with Ahmed’s beats and noises, feeling
something that could possibly resemble ‘good.’
Her & Suzy is out now as a digital download, via SLOVVDK.
Her & Suzy is out now as a digital download, via SLOVVDK.
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