We're So Small Compared to Our Hearts - a sad essay I wrote about rabbits

Hey so some of you who read this know that I am a cool rabbit dad or whatever. Some of you who read this may not know that one of our girls passed away a month ago. I don't really want to talk about it, or anything, right now, but that may explain why I've been writing a lot fewer posts around here lately, in case you were wondering.

In any event, at the start of the year, I started working on something that, at the time, was called "The Long Thing" for the April edition of the Southern Minnesota Scene magazine, which is the "pet" themed issue.

It turns out a 71" story (see, we measure by column inches in the biz) is too long to be considered one of my observational humor pages for The Bearded Life, so what I wrote became an article, and then I had to write another thing for my column.

Anyway, "The Long Thing" became "We're So Small Compared to Our Hearts" and after futzing with our awful content management system for about a half hour, I finally got it published on the Scene's website. So please take a gander at my essay about my rabbits and what life is like as a cool rabbit dad.


  1. Aw shucks I just wrote a comment but I think it got lost after I got redirected to logging into google?

    Anyway, I just wanted to say I saw your post after a friend posted it to the Rabbit Advocacy Network fb page and it's beautiful and I love it. And also I'm sorry for your losses - I know how it feels to love a rabbit so much.

    1. hi lisa
      thanks for your kind words. i have no clue how widespread the article is becoming but i appreciate you taking the time to read it and to comment here.


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