Album Review: The Roots- And Then You Shoot Your Cousin (via Bearded Gentlemen Music)

At this juncture in their career, Philly's finest, The Roots, are enough of a marquee name, big deal, etc, whatever you want to call them, that I should have had a review of their new album, And Then You Shoot Your Cousin, ready to go either on or before the release date.

But here's the thing: I think I like the "idea" of The Roots more than I actually like their latter day canon. Is Things Fall Apart one of my favorite records of all time? Well yes, of course it is. It's brilliant, and I don't think they'll ever be able to top it. And whenever I see that they have something new coming out, my interest is piqued. Their last outing was 2011s Undun, a self-contained concept album that was one of the best from the year. 

And now there's this. The more I heard in advance of ATYSYC, the more hesitant I was to listen to it. But over the long Memorial Day weekend, I managed to suck it up and sit down with it, and churn out a review for the gawds at Bearded Gentlemen, who were kind enough to publish it today.
