Anhedonic Headphones Podcast 4

If you've been sticking with this blog since the very beginning, in the halcyon days of January, you'll recall one of the first essay-based pieces I wrote was about my history with Nine Inch Nails. While, as of late, I am a fair-weather fan to say the least- but in 1994 and in 1999, they were my jam.

When we were pitching around podcast ideas, Adam and I discussed doing an entire thing dedicated to the canon of Trent Reznor and company. We've finally gotten around to making this happen, so without further ado, please enjoy 90 minutes of music and discussion on the wonder and splendor that is Nine Inch Nails.

The music is structured chronologically, so here is a quick look at the tracks we painstakingly selected-

Head Like A Hole
Gave Up
Dead Souls
Somewhat Damaged
The Wretched (remix)
Every Day is Exactly The Same
The Great Destroyer
2 Ghosts I
Various Methods of Escape
