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Album Review: Angie McMahon - Light Sides

And maybe, if you are like me, you do, eventually, at some point in the day, hit a wall. It does happen to me when I find I have been pushing myself through the day—the morning, and then into the afternoon. And I will take a moment. Often, in the kitchen, in front of the sink. The late afternoon sun pouring in through the windows. My hands on the black countertop. And I will reflect on what I have accomplished in a day. I have pulled myself out of bed. I have walked the dog. I have readied myself. Depending on the day, I have worked. Depending on the day, I have worked at both of the jobs I currently hold. I have done laundry.   The wall usually comes, at least for me, and maybe for you as well, when I am in the process of preparing dinner. And I will realize that I, perhaps, have not sat down for a number of hours. That I have continued to push myself forward. And I think, well, maybe now is a moment when I could step away from what, as of late, has been referred to as the “unpaid dom

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